Alfred Dunhill Pipes and Accessories

The durability, and elegance of cool sweet smoking of the Dunhill pipe with its White Spot trademark is internationally recognized.
Alfred Dunhill Pipes are made from the finest quality briar (Erica Arborea), which is sourced from countries, surrounding the Mediterranean. The “Dunhill” represents more than ninety different processes spread over a period of several months.
This ensures that it will smoke perfectly from the start and with proper care, will never lose its original sweetness.
The mouthpiece is cut from block vulcanite, which is easy on the teeth and doesn’t flavour the smoke.
White Spot pipes are hand-polished, in order to enhance the beauty of the natural grain.
Our White Spot pipes were hand selected by our expert, in order to have the best examples from this prestigious British manufacturer. Each of these pipes were handmade to the highest standards.
“Give a man a pipe he can smoke, Give a man a book he can read, And his home is bright with a calm delight, Though the room be poor indeed.”

25 products

25 products