La Flor Dominicana 30 Years
The Cigar
To commemorate their 30 years in the cigar business, Litto & Inez Gomez are celebrating with a limited edition cigar, packed in special humidors. The 30 Years cigar is a special version of La Flor Dominicana’s iconic Chisel vitola. This box pressed 6 1/8 x 58 cigar features an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper over an aged binder from the Dominican town of Cotui and fillers from the company’s farm in La Canela, Domincan Republic. La Flor Domincana describe the cigar as ‘rich and decadent, with a depth of dark flavours, spice and body’.
Crafted at La Flor Domincana’s box factory in the Dominican Republic, each
commemorative humidor contains 60 cigars. Inside the humidor is the company’s classic advert depicting Litto and Ines on horses. Only 2,000 humidors are being released globally of which No.6 Cavendish have managed to secure one and have opened the humidor for the sale of single sticks!
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