Davidoff 'Yamasa' Robusto
The Cigar
This flavourful cigar is also blended with Nicaragua tobacco from Estelí found in the filler tobaccos, which provides earthy, sweet pepper notes to this complex blend.
The Davidoff Yamasá Robusto is one of the most popular formats in the series with a ring gauge of 50 and length of 5 inches. The 45 minute smoking experience is packed with intensity and body sure to please the cigar aficionado. Order your 12-count box of Davidoff Yamasá Robusto today and experience the complexity and dedication of the Yamasá region.
Filler:Dominican Republic - Piloto / Mejorado, Nicaragua - Tobaccos from Condega and Esteli
Ring Gauge:50
Wrapper:Dominican Republic - Yamasa
Binder:Dominican Republic - San Vicente from Yamasa
Length (in):5
Smoking Time:55
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