On May 22, 2013 (Basel, Switzerland), the Davidoff tobacco masters crafted a limited edition “Club House” Toro Cigar, designed to heighten shared moments of pleasure. Showcasing the connoisseur’s taste, the product is ideal for enjoying on the golf course.
The Master Blenders of Davidoff created this unique Toro with a focus on delivering appealing aromas and flavors, while experimenting with rare and specially aged tobaccos.
The Gran Toro format of the Davidoff Masters Edition Club House Toro supplies a luxurious, yet balanced and nuanced taste with its Yamasá wrapper, Mejorado filler, and Ecuadorian binder.
Mild peppery and creamy notes are followed by subtle hints of chocolate, caramel, and coffee. Presenting a charming flair, both the cigar box and second band feature a golf ball pattern in glossy white.
This limited edition of 7,000 boxes worldwide is the ideal accompaniment to elevate a round of golf with friends. This collector's item is the pinnacle of a perfect golf day.
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