Davidoff 'Yamasa' Piramides
Taste the elements with Davidoff Yamasá. Yamasá is part of Davidoff’s Black Pillar series that features innovative cigars with a bolder and adventurous taste profile from tobaccos found all over the world. The Black Pillar series links how nature’s elements have influenced the soil, plants and tobaccos that are found in our special blends. This blend is ideal for aficionados looking for an unconventional taste stimulation combined with the typical Davidoff smoothness. From earth comes complexity. The rich, red soil of the Yamasá valley was a challenge to our farmers and our master blenders. Yet 20 years of dedication in working with the unforgiving, red, raw soil, molded these earthy and spicy flavours into a complex masterpiece. The unique Yamasá soil, high in iron, provides the perfect balance between the sweet spiciness of this cigar. This flavourful cigar is also blended with Nicaragua tobacco from Estelí found in the filler tobaccos, which provides earthy, sweet pepper notes to this complex blend. The Davidoff Yamasá Piramide is an elegant format that presents the aficionado with an appetizing appearance in color, shine and oiliness. The format is tapered beautifully for a smooth draw and smoking experience. Order your 12-count box of Davidoff Yamasá Piramide today and experience the complexity and dedication of the Yamasá region.
Ring Gauge:52
Wrapper:Dominican Republic - Yamasa
Binder:Dominican Republic - San Vicente from Yamasa
Filler:Nicaragua - Tobaccos from Condega and Esteli, Dominican Republic - Piloto / Mejorado
Length (in):6 1/8
Smoking Time:65