The Cigar
For four generations, Carrillo Cigars have been created to deliver the unforgettable experience that comes with unwavering attention to detail.
Carrillo Cigars have always been about innovative and ground breaking ideas. Today, their cigar lines each have a unique and distinct set of characteristics that define each Series – and the type of experience the cigars embody. The Series themselves are each based on a greater concept which reflect an aspect of the family’s cigar-making heritage and the authentic pride with which each cigar is made.
Ernesto Perez-Carrillo has crafted a special release for 2022. A new chapter in this brands storied past, this years offering is draped in a flawless wrapper Sumatra wrapper from Ecuador that has been aged for nearly 5 years. The final result is significantly complex yet balanced with a finish that lasts nearly as long as its legacy.
Length: 6"
Ring Gauge: 54
Strength: Medium
Packaging: 1 Single
Vitola: Torpedo
Smoking Time: 55 Minutes
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua & Dominican Republic